Friday, April 9, 2010

Poor movie watching day!

If you, the person reading this post, are a movie-fad, I guess you have gone through one of these black spots! You watch one movie after another continuously, hoping that the next one will turn out to be one to recommend to your average movie enthusiast :P. And your faith turns to disappointment, even though your patience never gives way( something you have acquired from an old tradition of movie-marathons), just like something I heard today in the movie "Ninja Assasins"...."the family comes before the self!@#$"

So after 6 hours gruelling hours of experiencing the "best" of the expressive arts, I decide to call it a day! What have I learnt today?? A lot of useless rubbish about the useless insecurities that supposedly( as supposed by the movie) haunts the tormented(severely, without any reason) psyche of a run-down insecure Hebrew nutcase? How somebody who uses his head a tad too much ends up with an idea a touch too stupid? And to top it up, a ninja movie that will make you puke out of awe, just to think how somebody could find such a disgusting way to squander such an elegant amount of money( I gathered from the special effects)!! Anyway, I wont mention the names of the other two movies in case I create a biased pre-image in somebody who hasnt seen them. I guess I am not asking to keep away from the movies altogether. So just in case, if somebody does come across this post, and reads till its end(fingers crossed :D), please do absolutely post a comment! And as a matter of fact, these movies do not have a poor rating in  imdb, so probably you have seen them we can discuss if our views match and if they dont, then even better ;P